Saturday, May 20, 2017

Religion: Beautiful or Ugly?

Let's talk about horror movies.

Have you ever noticed how some of the most terrifying antagonists in horror movies are things that are normally innocent and sweet?

I mean, you expect a horror movie to have a lion chasing you. Or maybe a guy with a chain saw. And there are those.

But then there are those movies with a haunted porcelain doll, or an eleven year old girl, usually in a nightgown. 

Why are these terrifying?

My theory is that we are horrified by things that are supposed to be good (but aren't) because we can never let our guard down. The least terrifying thing should be a sweet young lady or a fancy little doll.  So you know that not only do you need to be on guard against the lion and the murderer, but also the most innocent things; the things you thought you could trust.

So you just barred the door against the werewolf, but wait! There's a toddler behind you! Look out!

I think that religion can be this way. It is supposed to be a good thing. It is supposed to be a source of hope, love and encouragement. A comfort. not a horror.  A source of social and spiritual support and joy.

Sometimes it's discouraging and hateful. Or worse. Sometimes it is a horror, like when you have a priest who molests children. That's a true horror, made doubly worse because a priest is supposed to be good, comforting and safe.

If this kind of thing happens enough, people can start to think that religion is always evil. A person once bitten is twice shy. We should be careful to not become so cynical because religion, and churches, when done right, can be very, very good. Let me give you two personal examples.

A few weeks ago, our church held an activity where we went to a neighbor who is not a member and replaced his roof, which was falling apart. He was shocked when we'd told him we'd do it, but he accepted. We went on his roof, tore off the old shingles and replaced them with new ones (the neighbor paid for the shingles). He asked us several times why we would do this for no compensation. We told him that that's what neighbor's do for each other. And Jesus said, love your neighbor.

This was church and religion done right.

My second example comes from an answer to prayer. I have been praying a lot lately about my career.  And I keep getting answers that have nothing to do with my job. Like last month, I got into work early, shut the door to my office, and got on my knees. I prayed for several minutes, sincerely seeking an answer. The answer I got was a feeling of benevolence and peace. I started thinking about my co-workers and my family and I kept feeling like I wanted to be nice to them. To improve my relationships with them. Or apologize to them for times I had been impatient.

This wasn't the answer I was seeking, but it was a good answer. This has happened more than once.

This second example, is, to me, another way in which religion can be beautiful.

So, in answer to the question in my title: religion can be beautiful and ugly. But I think its true nature is beautiful. When done the way it is supposed to be done, it's amazing.


  1. Nothing to say, other than I enjoy reading your blog and keep up the good work.

  2. Nice blog post. Religion can be a powerful motivator for things both beautiful and ugly. Personally, my motivation to fix a neighbors roof stems from events such as described in your blog. My family has been on the receiving end of a roof crew like the one you participated in. Beauty itself is a powerful motivator and is supposed to be reciprocal. These lessons are also taught outside of religion. Unfortunately, ugliness is also taught outside of religion as well.
